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Facts About Saltwater

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 4th 2022

Facts About Saltwater

Over 70% of the planet is covered in water, and yet less than 1% of the Earth’s total water supply consists of available freshwater – that is, freshwater in rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers. …

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Facts About America’s Water Infrastructure

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 1st 2022

Facts About America’s Water Infrastructure

How much do you know about America’s water infrastructure – the system of pipes, water treatment plants, and recycling plants that provide water to homes and communities across the country? Here …

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A Marketing Minute from Multipure: July 2022

Posted by Kenton Jones on Jul 11th 2022

A Marketing Minute from Multipure: July 2022

Happy Independence Day, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July with good food, family, and fireworks, and are energized and motivated to take on the second half of the year and help impro …

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15 Reasons to Drink More Water

Posted by Joel Pelina on Jul 11th 2022

15 Reasons to Drink More Water

At Multipure, we’re all about water. Clean, delicious, healthy water. Water that’s free from contaminants, good for your body and mind, and super refreshing on a hot summer day. Sadly, many people jus …

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A Message from Our Co-Founder: July 2022

Posted by Kenton Jones on Jul 11th 2022

A Message from Our Co-Founder: July 2022

I just had the honor of having lunch with Tony and Sylvia Valentin, who were celebrating their 40th anniversary as Multipure Builders. Tony and Sylvia have been an inspiration to so many Builders fo …

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