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Facts About Carbon Filtration

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 26th 2022

Facts About Carbon Filtration

The best water filters on the market rely on carbon, whose natural properties afford it the ability to treat the presence of unwanted particulates and contaminants in water. But do you know why car …

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How Do Contaminants Get In Your Drinking Water?

Posted by Kenton Jones on Aug 24th 2022

How Do Contaminants Get In Your Drinking Water?

The Multipure Spotlight for September 2020 is “Know Your Contaminants,” which means that this month, our blog posts and social media will focus on the what, why, and how of specific water contaminants …

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Women and Water Science

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 19th 2022

Women and Water Science

The science of understanding and improving water has existed for thousands of years, with records as far back as 15th-century BC Egypt depicting early water filtration methods. And although scienti …

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How Wildfires Contribute to Water Contamination

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 12th 2022

How Wildfires Contribute to Water Contamination

During the summer, high temperatures and drought conditions often lead to dangerous wildfires, particularly in the arid American West. Although the fires themselves pose a serious hazard to the peo …

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Facts About Saltwater

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 4th 2022

Facts About Saltwater

Over 70% of the planet is covered in water, and yet less than 1% of the Earth’s total water supply consists of available freshwater – that is, freshwater in rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers. …

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Facts About America’s Water Infrastructure

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 1st 2022

Facts About America’s Water Infrastructure

How much do you know about America’s water infrastructure – the system of pipes, water treatment plants, and recycling plants that provide water to homes and communities across the country? Here …

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