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Important Tips for Emergency Preparedness

Posted by Joel Pelina on Sep 15th 2022

Important Tips for Emergency Preparedness

Disasters and emergencies can strike at any time, from both natural and man-made causes. When disaster strikes, essential infrastructure and services get damaged or destroyed, leaving homes and fam …

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Rise: Builder Rank Advancement for August 2022

Posted by Joel Pelina on Sep 15th 2022

Rise: Builder Rank Advancement for August 2022

Multipure congratulates the following Builders for their achievement in building their business and advancing their rank. We applaud your efforts and wish you continued growth and success. In recogn …

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How Natural Disasters Affect Drinking Water

Posted by Joel Pelina on Sep 9th 2022

How Natural Disasters Affect Drinking Water

During hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, damage to homes and infrastructure can disrupt every facet of life, from transportation, to electricity, to food production, to water supplies …

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Posted by Kenton Jones on Aug 29th 2022

What Does It Take to Get a Water Filter Certified?

You care about the quality and cleanliness of your drinking water. With a growing number of contaminants and chemicals sneaking into water supplies, it's essential to protect yourself from potential a …

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Facts About Carbon Filtration

Posted by Joel Pelina on Aug 26th 2022

Facts About Carbon Filtration

The best water filters on the market rely on carbon, whose natural properties afford it the ability to treat the presence of unwanted particulates and contaminants in water. But do you know why car …

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How Do Contaminants Get In Your Drinking Water?

Posted by Kenton Jones on Aug 24th 2022

How Do Contaminants Get In Your Drinking Water?

The Multipure Spotlight for September 2020 is “Know Your Contaminants,” which means that this month, our blog posts and social media will focus on the what, why, and how of specific water contaminants …

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