Purely Social

A Marketing Minute from Multipure: March 2022

Posted by Kenton Jones on Mar 10th 2022

A Marketing Minute from Multipure: March 2022

Spring. A time for rebirth and renewal, and the perfect time to refresh, refocus, and recommit to yourself, your customers, and your business.At the beginning of the year, we talked about the importan …

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NSF: An Overview

Posted by Joel Pelina on Mar 4th 2022

NSF: An Overview

For every product on the market, there are competitors, each with their own particular benefits, aesthetics, and utility. In many cases, the average consumer may have a difficult time distinguishing b …

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Multipure’s Aquasource: Whole House Utility

Posted by Joel Pelina on Feb 24th 2022

Multipure’s Aquasource: Whole House Utility

When it comes to home water filtration, most people think of filtered water at the kitchen sink or at the refrigerator. Others may consider water filters for the shower, bathtub, or bathroom sin …

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Rise: Builder Rank Advancement for January 2022

Posted by Joel Pelina on Feb 22nd 2022

Rise: Builder Rank Advancement for January 2022

Multipure congratulates the following Builders for their achievement in building their business and advancing their rank. We applaud your efforts and wish you continued growth and success. In recognit …

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A Message from Our Co-Founder: February 2022

Posted by Alvin Rice on Feb 22nd 2022

A Message from Our Co-Founder: February 2022

As a Multipure Builder, you are in business for yourself, but you are not in business by yourself. The Builder who helped you start your Multipure business is there to help you, and everyone at Multip …

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